About Me

Hey Y’all, I’m MICHAEL! I’m orginally from Houston, Texas, and now live in Austin. I’m seeking a full-time Position in digital Marketing. I’m a First-generation Graduate, holding a Bachelor of Science in Economics & Sociology from Texas A&M, and a Master of Science in Marketing from the University of Texas At Austin. I’m a Data-Driven, Creative Marketer with a Digital focus, and have always had a penchant for Connecting people to solutions they need.

“My Biggest Takeaway FROM MY TIME AT TEXAS A&M AND UT AUSTIN IS IF YOU POUR EVERYTHING INTO CREATING A PATH Towards a purpose, THERE’s NOTHING more rewarding Than working with others WHO Share that mentality. THIS Is MY Marketing PHILOSOPHY as well, IN CONNECTING CONSUMERS TO THE PRODUCTS THAT WILL not only MAKE THEIR LIVES EASIER, but Also share their purpose. Build that perfect team IN BOTH WAYS, BRIDGE THe GAP. IF NOT YOU, WHO?”

If not you, who?

If not you, who?